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1、Happy National Day to all those who believe in the greatness and potential of our country!

2、Let's celebrate the National Day with our loved ones, family and friends, cherishing the love and warmth that binds us all together. 在国庆节上,让我们与我们的亲人、家人和朋友共同庆祝,珍惜把我们所有人联系在一起的爱和温暖。

3、Let's raise the flag and celebrate our nation's freedom on this National Day!

4、Wishing you a fun and festive National Day with lots of wonderful memories to cherish! 祝您在国庆节充满乐趣、欢闹,留下很多美好的回忆!

5、Wishing you a joyful and unforgettable National Day with your loved ones and friends! 祝您和您的朋友、亲人共度一个充满欢笑、难忘的国庆节!

6、Let's come together as one nation on this National Day, and celebrate the strength, resilience, and beauty of our beloved country!

7、Always proud to be a part of this amazing and great country – happy National Day!

8、Happy National Day! Let's work towards a brighter future for ourselves and our children.

9、Let's celebrate our nation with pride and honor on this National Day and showcase to the world the greatness of China!

10、May the ideals and values of our country continue to inspire and guide us – happy National Day!

11、May our country continue to flourish and prosper on this National Day!

12、Happy National Day! Let's honor the past, appreciate the present, and build for the future.

13、May this National Day bring happiness, prosperity, and progress to our beloved nation!

14、May our country continue to prosper and thrive for generations to come. Happy National Day!

15、May the spirit of democracy and fairness always reign in our nation on this National Day and always! 愿民主和公正的精神在国庆节和永远都占据我们国家的统治地位!

16、Happy National Day to the land of tradition, the land of progress, and the land of resilience!

17、Let us work together to build a more sustainable and prosperous China on National Day and always!

18、Let us honor the spirit of sacrifice and commitment that defines our nation on this National Day and always! 让我们在国庆节和永远都纪念定义我们国家的牺牲和奉献的精神!

19、Happy National Day to everyone who loves and cherishes this country as much as I do!

20、May the National Day inspire us to embrace new ideas, technologies and innovations, and propel our country towards a brighter and better future. 愿国庆节激励我们拥抱新思想、技术和创新,推动我们的国家朝着更加美好的未来前进。

21、Let us honor and embrace the diversity and unique talents of our fellow citizens – happy National Day!

22、Happy 71st National Day Anniversary!

23、Happy National Day to the land of peace, harmony, and stability! 祝福和平、和谐和稳定的国家国庆节快乐!

24、Wishing you a peaceful and harmonious National Day celebration!

25、Happy National Day! Let's come together to celebrate our country's diversity, strength, and resilience.

26、Best wishes on this special day! May the national spirit of harmony and unity be strong.

27、Let's show the world what makes us proud citizens of this great nation on this National Day!

28、Let's celebrate the land of the free and the home of the brave on this National Day.

29、Happy National Day! Let's remember the hard work and perseverance that have brought us to this point, and recommit ourselves to the challenges ahead.

30、Let's celebrate the freedom and democracy that our forefathers fought for on this National Day.

31、Best wishes for a National Day filled with hope, peace, and love!

32、May our country be filled with peace, prosperity, and happiness on National Day and always!

33、China, a nation of dreams and aspirations, of hope and opportunity, of love and unity. Happy National Day!

34、Saluting our nation and all the men and women who have served it!

35、Let us celebrate this special day with joy and unity!

36、May the National Day inspire us to work together for the betterment of our country and society as a whole. 愿国庆节激励我们共同为祖国和全社会的发展而努力奋斗。