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“Asylum or death?(收容还是死亡?)。”大量的人在网络世界中寻找那些具有魅力的词句,优美句子的思想深邃是人类文明积淀的结晶。感受到春风拂面的感觉。经过搜索的结果爱情的句子小编整理了一些与英语好词佳句摘抄相关的信息,我衷心希望这些句子能够为你们提供一些实用的指导!


1、That aversion is usually healthy but not when deflation looms.(这样的厌恶通常是健康的但不是在现在通货紧缩还不明朗的时候。)

2、Remember, over time, risk-aversion can be more hazardous to your career than error.(记住,随着时间,规避风险比错误对你的职业生涯会更有害。)

3、If I die, take good care in bringingup our boy. He has unusual signs and will grow up to avenge me.(我若死,汝好生看养吾儿;吾儿有异相,长大必当与吾报仇也。)

4、Home Application: White Goods, Small Appliance, Kitchen Appliance, Smart Home, Micro Actuate.(家用电器:白色家电,小家电,厨房电器,智能家居,微型致动器。)

5、Exercise releases hormones that can improve mood and relieve stress, which can also help learning.(锻炼能释放荷尔蒙,荷尔蒙可以改善情绪和缓解压力,这也有助于学习。)

6、growl is audible; it is a huge dog, who shows his teeth and replaces the English.(他听见一阵狺吠声,是一头张牙露齿、代替英国人的大恶狗。)

7、What's the drill for claiming expenses?(报销费用的手续是什么?)

8、Separating some auxiliary storage pools (ASPs) for journal files was essential to our test.(在日志文件中分隔辅助存储池(ASP)在我们的测试中是必要的。)

9、She was determined to avenge herself on the man who had betrayed her.(她决心向那个负心男人报仇。)

10、But in other troubled European economies, abnegation is less evident.(但是在其它陷入困境的欧洲国家却鲜有自我克制的案例。)

11、Wonder how others are coping with your particular ailment?(但是其他人如何处理自己的特殊症状呢?)

12、Offshore platforms may also lose oil, creating oil slicks that drift ashore and foul the beaches, harming the environment.(近海勘探平台也可能会泄露石油,这样会导致油膜的形成,这些油膜漂流到海岸上而且会污染海滩,从而破坏了环境。)

13、For the Earth, it is one because we work in astronomical units.(地球也是一个,因为我们用天文单位。)

14、Make sure that you execute all movements smoothly and without jerking.(确保你流畅、无颤动地完成所有动作。)

15、You can take extracts of these in liquid or capsule form.(你可以服用由这些药用菌提取的口服液或胶囊。)

16、spoke with the auction.(我跟拍卖会谈过。)

17、Back at the station the chief inspector returned the call.(回到警察局后,督察长回了电话。)

18、The controller sends signals to the power source to move the robot arm to a specific position and to actuate the end effectors.(控制器负责发送信号给动力源并驱使机器人手到达准确的位置,激活终端操作机构的运行。)

19、Chicago attorney Karl Anderson has been eating high-fiber, low-sugar oatmeal and raisin bran for breakfast, often with a banana.(芝加哥律师卡尔·安德森一直在吃高纤维、低糖份的燕麦和葡萄干加麦麸作为早餐,并经常加上一个香蕉。)

20、Add the attribute to collection.(向集合添加属性。)


21、Most young children, even from cultures known for their spicy recipes, are averse to capsaicin.(很多小孩子——甚至是来自以吃辣而闻名的国度——却拒绝接受辣椒素。)

22、We want more variety in our work.(我们希望我们的工作多变点儿花样。)

23、The tone in his voice brooked no argument.(他的声音里透露着一种不容争辩的语调。)

24、He might feel that leveraging the company at a time when he sees tremendous growth opportunities would be a mistake.(他可能感觉到在看到巨大的发展机会时举债经营公司是一个错误。)

25、The grain was sown in drill.(这种谷物是条播的。)

26、Velzquez's work from that time forward was confined largely to portraits of the royal family.(从那以后,委拉斯开兹的作品就很大程度上仅限于王室的肖像画了。)

27、As you can tell, I'm not fond of astrology.(你一定看出来,我对占星学不感冒。)

28、Experts have already suggested this ancient atrocity may simply have been a desperate last act by a starving people.(专家们已经表示,这种古代的暴行可能只是人们在极其饥饿时走投无路作出的选择。)

29、The vibration of the earthquake lasted two days.(地震的余波托运费了两天。)

30、She's an atrocious girl as I still love her.(她是个残暴的女孩,不过我仍然爱她。)

31、But "astronomical" is a relative term.(但是“天方夜谭”只是相对而言。)

32、Scala distinguishes between a primary constructor and zero or more auxiliary constructors.(Scala可以区分主构造函数和0个或多个辅助构造函数。)

33、If you will put up with my atrocious pronunciation, I would like to read you a few pages of your ancestor's work.(如果您能忍受我糟糕透顶的发音,咱们不妨念几页。)

34、Apple's share price is astronomical, it's true.(诚然,苹果的股价已经是天文数字。)

35、But it also would make sense to add solar panels to augment additional electric needs.(但是如果用太阳能电池板来补充额外的电力需求,也是不无意义的。)

36、The machine runs smoothly.(机器运转平稳。)

37、You will surely agree that all the above-mentioned qualities and abilities are important for the attainment of success!(你一定也非常同意上面所有提到的品质和能力对于获得成功是非常重要的。)

38、There are several reasons for this explosive growth.(一些原因促成了这种爆炸性增长。)

39、Houses in the subdivision are going for astronomical prices.(该小区里的房子在以天价出售。)

40、Quite the contrary: you are assisting in helping to raise the vibration.(恰恰相反:你在协助他们提高震动。)


41、It's something I've been trying in the last few months, and I can attest that it works brilliantly.(在过去的几个月里我一直在尝试这些方法,我可以保证它们非常有效。)

42、Their blood was not shed in vain.(他们的血没有白流。)

43、w, Joe, examining this iron with a smith's eye, declared it to have been filed asunder some time ago.(当时,乔检查了这副脚镣。作为一个铁匠,他断定这副脚镣被锉开已有一段时期了。)

44、think she's really explosive.(我觉得她非常有爆发力。)

45、His gross mismanagement left the company desperately in need of restructuring.(他处理事务的严重不当使得公司急需重组。)

46、Those who seek asylum also receive short shrift.(寻求庇护者也受到了冷遇。)

47、ne of those things is a given anymore in communities where college-degree attainment is low.(在大学程度人群所占比例比较低的社区中,上述特点是看不到的。)

48、We have become suspicious of our foods, especially as we learn more about what they contain.(我们已经开始怀疑我们的食物,特别是当我们更多地了解它们所含的东西。)

49、They will attribute positive results to the outside help or even luck.(他们将积极的结果归因于外界的帮助,甚至是运气。)

50、To quote one medical opinion, "Thousands of people drift through life suffering from the effects of too little sleep; the reason is not that they can't sleep."(引用一种医学观点,“成千上万的人一生都在睡眠不足的折磨下苟延残喘;原因不是他们睡不着。”)

51、The Polish troops were shipped home and some eventually put on trial for the atrocity.(波兰士兵回国后,一部分由于暴行遭到了审判。)

52、If or else is in charge of him, of this child's true can complete addle.(假如再不管他,这孩子真的会彻底变坏的。)

53、There is little tonal variety in his voice.(他的嗓音中几乎没有声调的变化。)

54、Bernstein predicts "an avalanche of interest and support" if all goes well.(伯恩斯坦预计,如果一切顺利,将会有“大量利益和支持涌现”。)

55、The island offers such a wide variety of scenery and wildlife.(这座岛屿有如此丰富多样的景色和野生动植物。)

56、The abortive seeds only accumulated large absciss acid, which caused the abortion and inactivation.(败育的杉木涩籽中只积累较多的脱落酸,说明了败育涩籽的衰败和失活。)

57、Asylum or death?(收容还是死亡?)

58、The attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.(获得财富、地位、荣誉等。)

59、In the past, worrying about decline has helped us avert that very condition.(在过去,担心衰弱帮助我们改变我们的条件。)

60、Vibration often springs many parts of the bike.(震动常常引起自行车许多零件的松动。)


61、The stunning, austere beauty of the Antarctic icescape is our constant companion.(这令人目眩而又朴实无华的美丽南极冰景一直陪伴着我们。)

62、Axle is one of the important parts of railway vehicles dealing transportation safety.(车轴是直接关系铁道车辆运营安全的重要部件之一。)

63、It is then acceptable to be used as an astronomical telescope.(这样的望远镜才适合做天文望远镜。)

64、Mae La Na is a relatively modern and well-developed village, but tourists still have more than enough possibilities to experience an authentic way of living.(湄拉娜是一个相对现代和发达的村庄,但旅客们仍能有丰富的机会来体验真实的生活方式。)

65、Attribute values must be quoted.(属性值必须加引号。)

66、need the actual figures, not an estimate.(我需要确切的数字,而不是估计。)

67、Said his father, his rugged face shining in the ardour of self - abnegation.(他的父亲问,在他满是皱纹的脸上,闪耀着自我克制的热情。)

68、The technique essentially measures bond vibration between atoms.(这种技术实际上测量的是原子间键的震动。)

69、We tried to throw a life buoy. She could not grab it.(我们试着扔救生圈给她,但是她抓不住。)

70、But that something should not be austerity at any price.(但这些措施不是不计代价搞紧缩。)

71、Patience must have degrees.(忍耐须有度。)

72、One recent study attempted to calculate the extent of this "ecological overshoot of the human economy".(最近的一项研究试图对这种“人类经济的生态透支”的程度进行计算。)

73、There is a small network of rhombus in tokyo astronomical observatory.(东京天文台有一个小的菱形网。)

74、"Not only is it cruel and blood-thirsty, but totally amoral," the Chongqing Business Daily cited a neighbor to one of the restaurants as saying.(“这不仅仅残忍、血腥,而且完全是不道德的,”《重庆商业日报》引述某饭店的邻居说。)

75、Yellow diamond signs say: "Avalanche area next 1.5 miles.(黄色警示标志上写着,“1.5英里到雪崩区,禁止停车”。)

76、He liked to attribute his longevity to "cigarettes, whiskey and wild, wild women".(他喜欢将自己的长寿归功于“香烟、威士忌和狂野的女人”。)

77、But the cult of the authentic and the personal, "doing our own thing", has spelt the death of formal speech, writing, poetry and music.(但是,对真实和个人的崇拜,和对“做我们自己的事”的追求,已经导致了正式演讲、写作、诗歌和音乐的消亡。)

78、It was also felt that the collapse of the system opened up new possibilities.(也感觉到制度的崩溃提供了新的可能。)