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1、一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself forsomeone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. Justask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.

2、e run is better than tb.

3、大部份的痛苦,都是不肯离场的结果,没有命定的不幸,只有死不放手的执着。 the major part pain, is not willing to leave the field the result, does not have the destiny misfortune, only then refuses stubbornly rigid which drops.

4、有没有人对你说起过。我好不好。你是否笑了笑。说那与你无关。 has the human to mention to you. am i good. whether you did smile. said that has nothing to do with you.

5、男人希望女友经历越少越好;女人却希望男友经历越多越好。Men want girlfriend experience as little as possible; an really love a man when they don't care about anything。 Can be used to protect life, regardless of any material, no matter who stop。


7、Friendship is the golden thread that ties the hearts of all the pany on the road is the shortest cut.

8、爱情像一只表,不上发条就会停摆;婚姻像一只钟,除了必须上发条,还得忍受每隔一小时就“当,当”作响的钟声!Love is like a watch, don't wound will lockout; Marriage is like a clock, besides must be wound, also had to endure every hour "when, when" jingle bells!


10、我在等未来。有你的未来。 i in and so on future. will have your future.

11、The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse. (Burke Edmund, British statesman)权力越大,滥用职权的危险就越大。(英国政治家 埃德蒙.B.)


13、有些记忆,注定无法抹去;就好比有些人,注定无法替代一样。 some memories, are doomed to be unable to cancel; is just like some people, is doomed to be unable to substitute is the same.

14、男人可以为治水三过家门不入而赢得世世代代赞扬,女人却因少带一天孩子少烧一顿饭而受到社会谴责。A man can in water conservancy three house not win praise from generation to generation, the woman but take one day less for children burn a meal less under condemnation。

15、一个忧郁的女人背后必然有一段不幸的爱;一个憔悴的男人的背后必然有一桩不幸的婚姻。A melancholy woman's back there must be an unlucky love; Behind a gaunt man there must be a bad marriage。

16、Doubt thou the stars are fire,



18、你的幸福路人皆知,我的狼狈无处遁形。 your happy passer-by all knows, my distressed there is no place hides.


20、承诺不了她的未来,只能把她的手一点一点掰开。 could not pledge that her future, can only bit by bit break off hers hand.

21、人总是仰望和羡慕着别人的幸福,一回头,却发现自己正被仰望和羡慕着。要珍惜和感知自己真正拥有的幸福。不要让你的幸福,只是在别人眼里。people always look up and envy the happiness of others, a look back, only to find themselves are being look and envy。 To cherish and perceive their own real happiness。 Don't let your happiness, but in others' eyes。



24、我只是难过不能陪你一起老。 i only am sad cannot accompany you to be together old

25、Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, itdecreases。



28、e out in the flesh.

29、路过是一瞬,错过是永恒。 as soon as passed by is flickers, misses is eternal.



32、曾经拨乱我心跳的人,如今我怎么可能忘记你。 once dialed randomly my palpitation's person, now do i how possibly forget you.


34、I wasn't actually in love, but I felt a sort of tender curiosity.