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If youre not good, Ill clap.如果你心情不好了,在网络上分享各种心情是人们的时尚所在。一个句子中的情感是作者倾注全部诚意的呈现是需要读者去共情的,如果你对这个主题还不了解可以看看以下的《英文说说心情短语爱情》,建议将这个页面加入收藏夹以备不时之需!

1、I hate being fingered! Don't you know I'm yours?

2、经常会莫名其妙的微笑,才发现原来这微笑是 Often inexplicable smile, just found that the original smile is about you.

3、男人追求女人,如隔着一座山;女人追求男人,如隔着一层纸。men pursue women, such as across a mountain; women pursuit of men, such as through a layer of paper。

4、If a man really loves you, distance is not a problem, it will only become a growth of the power of love. 如果一个人真的爱你,距离不是一个问题,它只会成为一种滋长爱情的力量。


6、“If you love someone,let it be and sethim/her free,ifhe/she comes backtoyou,it's meantto be."

7、If youre not good, Ill clap.

8、I tasted the taste of love and friendship, both lost、我尝过爱情和友情满盘皆输的味道。

9、Love you as you fade all pride、喜欢你才为你褪去所有的傲气。

10、I like you, like the cloud wandering 90000 miles, never rest.

11、No true heart,no broken heart、此刻不掏心掏肺,是为了以后不撕心裂肺。


13、No matter how big the wind and rain is, you are at ease.

14、When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long、 当夜显得寂寞不堪 ,去路显得无尽漫长。

15、In fact, you never tamed me. I just put my tusks away when I love you.

16、Too many stories have no results、拥有太多故事却都没有之后。

17、Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the rightone, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to begrateful.

18、No one who cannot leave,love is mutual,no humble.

19、How can you be a little strong if you don't get hurt again and again?

20、You are the wind, I am the sand. You take a cup of tea and I pour it. You napand I make the bed. You give birth to children and I watch children.

21、I love you. It's a fact that will never change.

22、I cant see you grow up, but Id like to see you grow up with me.

23、Is there such a song that you cant remember me again.

24、The throat is bloody for no reason. Every breath involves heartache.

25、People, in this life, learn to cherish possession, down-to-earth life.

26、Just because someonedoesn't love you the wayyou want them to, doesn'tmean theydon't love you with all they have.

27、The more the first love is like a flame, the more it will be extinguished by the wind.

28、The only present love need is love.

29、You stay away from me,after all,I can39;t give you want warm。